
Gnathology is one of the most complex branches of dentistry. It includes all the pathologies that concern the articulation of the mouth and consequently of all the organs connected to it.

The main problems are: difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, pains in the face and neck, headache from dental occlusion between jaw and jaw, and therefore not differently explainable, bruxism, dizziness or sense of instability, back pain, legs or shoulders pain, deep bite or open bite, tinnites (whistling in the ears), jaw pains, postural problems, jaw blockage, disorders or disturbances of any kind in the opening or closing of the mouth.

It is a major medical specialization in the field of dental care and, the specialist gnatologist, is a dentist who has achieved a specialization in the subject.

For the solutions of the pathologies that concern the articulation of the mouth and consequently of all the organs connected to it, it collaborates with other physicians: the Posturologist, the Orthodontist, the Maxillofacial surgeon, the dentist or Implantologist

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